The Window Weaver: A Forgotten Urban Legend or Something More?
In the dark hours of the night, when the streets are empty and the world sleeps, there exists a creature that few have ever seen and lived to speak of. Known as The Window Weaver, it’s an entity that lurks in the shadows just beyond the glow of the streetlights, a creature that uses the cover of darkness to silently weave intricate webs—though not made of silk, but of human thoughts and fears.

Nightmare Fuel: Discover the Creepiest Animals Lurking on Earth
While the previous blogs here have focused on the paranormal and strange, I decided for a little change, to look at the weirder creatures we share our planet with. Therefore we shall begin our exclusive tour of Earth's shadowy corners, where the creatures of your wildest nightmares (and those you never even dreamed of) skitter, slither, and lurk.

Unbelievable Yet True: Exploring the Bizarre Medical Practices of the Past
In the ever-evolving realm of medicine, practices and beliefs that once held sway have now faded into the annals of history, leaving behind tales as strange as they are true. From the bizarre to the downright dangerous, the medical field has witnessed a plethora of practices that today's science would regard as nothing short of peculiar.

Unveiling the Enigma: The Yule Cat's Fierce Presence in Icelandic Folklore
As the winter winds howl through the icy landscapes of Iceland, a mystical creature lurks in the shadows, instilling both fear and intrigue in the hearts of those who dare to cross its path. Meet the Yule Cat, a feline of colossal proportions that prowls the countryside during the Christmas season

Writing Tips For New Authors (Part Four)
The Beat Sheet is a writing method that breaks down a story into its fundamental beats or moments. It is often used as a tool for outlining and structuring a screenplay, but it can also be applied to novel writing. Each beat serves a specific function and helps move the story forward, creating a sense of pacing and tension.

Writing Tips For New Authors (Part Three)
The Three-Act Structure is a popular method for outlining and structuring a story. It is based on the idea that a story can be divided into three parts: the setup, the confrontation, and the resolution. Each part has a distinct purpose and builds on the previous one to create a satisfying narrative arc.

Writing Tips For New Authors (Part Two)
The Hero's Journey is a storytelling structure that has been used in myths, legends, and literature for centuries. It was first introduced by Joseph Campbell, a scholar of mythology and comparative religion, in his book "The Hero with a Thousand Faces." The Hero's Journey is based on the idea that every hero goes through a similar set of stages and experiences as they embark on a journey or quest.

Writing Tips For New Authors (Part One)
The Snowflake Method is a popular technique for planning and outlining a novel. It was developed by Randy Ingermanson, a physicist and novelist. The method is named after the snowflake, which is used as a metaphor for the process of starting with a simple idea and building it up into a complex, multi-faceted story.

10 Hilarious Comic Book Mail Order Ads (And some for the adults, too)
Imagine owning your own X-ray spex so you could become the next generation’s perv! Or how about becoming the next great prankster and get yourself some snapping gum or a hand buzzer? My God, the possibilities!
People quickly learned these products were a huge con aimed at the gullible and easily entertained. Not that any of these items were expensive, but still they promised so much and delivered so little.
Let’s take a look at some of the hilarious ads:

What are the Different Types of Ghosts?
Let’s take a look at some of the different types of ghosts/spooks/ghouls/phantoms (pick your preference) that haunt the corners of our vision and move stuff around, like when your mother cleans your room without telling you.

10 Mythical Creatures of the British Isles
This article will dive into some of the weird and often alarming creatures that creep through the shadowy parts of the UK, waiting for an unsuspecting buffoon to stumble into their lair of bones and despair.

7 Horrifying medieval torture devices
If history has taught us one thing, it's that methods of torture were rather disturbing back in the olden days. Although torture still exists today, in the Middle Ages it was much more grisly, often resulting in the victim's death.
While some methods were simply designed to humiliate, such as the stocks, others were far more horrific. We're talking devices that crushed limbs, sliced off body parts and ripped arms from their sockets.

8 Weird Deaths from History
It’s often hoped that when we die, it will be peaceful and preferably in our sleep. You know the scenario; big yawn, eyes shut and then… that’s it! Death used to ride in on a horse, but he’s moved with the times. Now it’s an Uber. And don’t think he won’t leave you a 1-star review for not being chatty. You could leave him one too. But who would read it? You’re dead.

How Terrifying were Vintage Halloween Costumes?
Costumes have come a long way from ye olden days. Now you can be a carbon copy of Han Solo, Thor, Frankenstein’s Monster or a giant cheeseburger!
But back in the days of sepia, people had less to work with and often had to make their own costumes. This may sound quaint and environmentally friendly, but it also offers up its own box of horrors.
Now we’re familiar with Halloween’s origins; let’s look at a gallery of unimaginable terror that you can never unsee again. Let us begin our tour of costumes of the past.

5 Creepiest Cemeteries in the World
Although dumping a body in the river isn’t a great alternative. The smell and pestilence alone would be enough to give people nightmares. Plus, seeing dear old grandad bob past like an errant log half-decayed would leave a rather sour note on your fishing trip.

Find the escapees before they get you!
Looks like there's been a security breach at the local asylum for the criminally insane!
Can you find all ten escaped patients? They've already caused total chaos in the ward. Spot them all so they can be returned to their cells and not cause any more horror.

Unsettling Kids Shows (and some obscure characters too)
Let’s dive into one of the oddest kids show characters to appear in the 1980s. Now this is one guy that gave many people who can remember him more than the heebie-jeebies. A weird-looking character with a big white face and the biggest nose ever seen.

Destination: Doll Island
Maybe it’s the way their glassy, dead eyes stare out, or the way their realistic features send a shiver down people’s spine. Or maybe it's when they suffer damage, particularly to the face that creates a demonic quality.

Rat Kings: Superstitions and Peculiarities
Rats. Maligned and feared by many. With scaly tails and sharp claws, they are about as welcome as frostbite. Known carriers of disease, they are often found residing within the sewer systems of every country in the world. If found in your home, they are a dangerous nuisance, chewing through cables, floors and even walls! For this reason, they have become harbingers of bad luck.

Krampus: Devourer of errant children!
With Christmas hurtling towards us like a runaway train, and children having only presents and Father Christmas on their minds, I thought it would be interesting to look at the other side of the festive season.