Writing Tips For New Authors (Part Four)
The Beat Sheet is a writing method that breaks down a story into its fundamental beats or moments. It is often used as a tool for outlining and structuring a screenplay, but it can also be applied to novel writing. Each beat serves a specific function and helps move the story forward, creating a sense of pacing and tension.

Writing Tips For New Authors (Part Three)
The Three-Act Structure is a popular method for outlining and structuring a story. It is based on the idea that a story can be divided into three parts: the setup, the confrontation, and the resolution. Each part has a distinct purpose and builds on the previous one to create a satisfying narrative arc.

Writing Tips For New Authors (Part Two)
The Hero's Journey is a storytelling structure that has been used in myths, legends, and literature for centuries. It was first introduced by Joseph Campbell, a scholar of mythology and comparative religion, in his book "The Hero with a Thousand Faces." The Hero's Journey is based on the idea that every hero goes through a similar set of stages and experiences as they embark on a journey or quest.

Writing Tips For New Authors (Part One)
The Snowflake Method is a popular technique for planning and outlining a novel. It was developed by Randy Ingermanson, a physicist and novelist. The method is named after the snowflake, which is used as a metaphor for the process of starting with a simple idea and building it up into a complex, multi-faceted story.